Sunday, September 21, 2008

You Break It, You've Bought It!

So when I was at Lynda's house last Sunday, I asked her to take me to that little secret store she has in her town. Well we were walking around looking at all of the little treasures, and I picked up a canister to look at it. As soon as I lifted it up the dang lid slid off and fell on the shelf, and the nob (or what ever it is called) popped off. Can you believe it? I had been telling Kodi Lynn the entire time not to touch things, because they will break. So I had to buy it, because as soon as you walk in the store there is a sign that says... "You break it, you buy it!". In RED!


Sallie said...

The are super cute. Can you possibly put a drawer know on it? I've been looking for some cute white canisters too.

Sallie said...


Jessica said...

At least you broke something cute, that you could use!!

Tasha said...

So sad!! I am always worried something like that is going to happen to me too. At least they are really cute. Hopefully you can figure out how fix the knob. But, I really do like them :)

Rowdy Family said...

hee hee. They are really cute though

apee said...

you probably broke them on purpose so you'd have an excuse to tell Bobby! hee hee